The Research Participant Registry supports a growing research program, with dozens of studies looking at childhood development from infancy through adulthood. As a shared resource in partnership with the Division of Developmental Medicine, Department of Neurology, and the Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center, our goal is to gain a better understanding of the healthy development of children and improve outcomes for children and families with conditions such as autism, ADHD, epilepsy, sleep disorders, and many others.

In every new discovery that we make, through every step forward, we depend upon children and families who support our work by participating in our studies. Your involvement could provide us with important insight. Families often comment that they find participating in our studies to be a valuable and interesting experience. Further, some studies offer a toy as a thank you, childcare for siblings, as well as a small stipend for families.

We invite you to become a part of our team by enrolling in our Participant Registry, which allows us to keep you in the loop about studies for which your child(ren) may be eligible. For more information, please see our FAQs.

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